Black Opal Systems

What other products?

  • There are a great many products from which to choose


  •  Our  first selection criteria is a 100% cloud-based permanent free tier


  • We will support and facilitate a member of staff to lead the work  

Electronics Entrepreneur

A sole-trader with a passion for new ideas and projects was very poor at keeping records and maximising his revenues.

His customers and endlessly-patient book-keeper were frustrated by inconsistent information flow.

Key benefits:

  • Rental income for use of laboratory space and equipment increased dramatically;
  • Sub-contractor record keeping became automated and online;
  • The entrepreneur was able to spend more time networking and experimenting.

Cost-conscious small charity

A small well-established charity needed to reduce its dependence on two long-term volunteers and their knowledge of the contents of many disparate spreadsheets.

Newer volunteers were being disempowered by the lack of readily available information.

Key benefits:

  • A new volunteer was facilitated to move the information into the cloud;
  • Browser-based access to a central source replaced multiple redundant copies of spreadsheets;
  • The charity increased its effectiveness within its community.

Call us on 02 070 960 659 to learn more